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We're Safer than the PPSR!

11 years ago

The Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) is the Government register where details of security interests in personal property can be registered and searched.

Finance companies use the PPSR to register outstanding money against the vehicle's registration plate. However, if the registration plates are changed, the vehicle may appear debt-free on the PPSR when it¿s not. Our Past Plate Check¿ protects you from hidden debts by checking for money owing on all previous registration plates, giving you peace of mind.

Not convinced?  Watch this Fair Go video where a daughter got into trouble after she bought her mother¿s car!

We're the only company in NZ that has a Repossession Guarantee

Should your vehicle be repossessed because it had a registered security (money owing) or is seized because it was flagged as reported stolen, and that information was available to us at the time but was not displayed on the VIR®, we will compensate you up to $100,000.  Learn more.

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