The VIR™ - The Vehicle Information Report™

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The VIR is New Zealand's most comprehensive report on a vehicle's current legal status and registered ownership history.

Protect you and your customers - "Never buy a car without a VIR™"

The VIR™ gathers vehicle information from numerous Government and private databases. 42 checks are automatically performed on the data to find any issues of concern including...

Money owing
Reported stolen
Inconsistent odometer readings or wind-backs
Expired warrant of fitness or certificate of fitness
Outstanding road user charges (RUC diesel tax)
Expired licenses and de-registrations (possible accident damage)
NZ customs alerts on accident or flood damaged imports

The VIR™ is the most effective risk management tool available for anyone buying or financing a vehicle.

A specialised report

The VIR™ was specifically built to address the information needs of the motor industry; even people without experience can clearly see the full vehicle description, registration and ownership details and if there are any problems.

Fast and easy

Simply enter the vehicle's registration plate (or VIN) number and in less than 20 seconds The VIR™ will be displayed onscreen with any Alert, Caution or Advisory messages clearly visible.

You can also share The VIR™ electronically with other dealers, wholesalers, finance companies or customers by simply giving them the unique web reference number of The VIR™

More information

"The VIR™ is an essential tool our company uses when purchasing and selling vehicles!"


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